
Hire Great Salespeople Without Regrets

Sales Psychometrics/Candidate screening

This is a service that helps you shortlist candidates who have applied for sales position in your organization. Through the Sales Aptitude Testing & Sales Personality Profiling we recommend candidates who are worth your consideration With this service, you send selected applicants (probably selected on basis of minimum education and work experience) who have responded to your Job advert.
1. Between 1-10 Applicants - Kshs 5,700 per candidate
2. Between 11-30 Applicants- Kshs 3,800 per candidate
3. Over 30 Applicants - Kshs 2,900 per candidate.

The Super Achievers Database

You can retain us to hunt down great sales people for you. You get preferential consideration whenever we come across a great candidate for your organization.

Comprehensive Recruitment Service

We can take charge of your entire sales recruitment needs where we source, screen, Test and inter- view candidates on your behalf. Charges will be dependent on your requirements.

Before You Hire Your Next Salesperson, Talk To Us

We help businesses  identify and hire the right salespeople for your business saving you money, time and lost opportunities. Candidates hired through our process:

  • Start producing faster than average sales person
  • They outsell other sales people of equivalent experience
  • They cost less in terms of fixed compensation
  • The last longer than other sales people in similar role in the organization
  • Are more resourceful employees.

What We Do

We use scientific tools to assess a candidates sales aptitude and their sales personality. We also assess their sales competencies. Based on these assessments we determine their suitability for your business, product and market.

Our Sales Psychometric Assessments can be used to improve your existing selection process. Many companies have applied the assessments in the shortlisting stage while others have opted them at the end of the interviewing process.

Whichever option you take you will reduce your chances of making the wrong hire by upto 70%.

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